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美国眼科学会AAO 简讯(20160213)
作者:佚名  文章来源:网络  点击数4230  更新时间:2016/2/15  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进

Academy Express
Asia Pacific Edition

A weekly news brief from the American Academy of Ophthalmology and participating Asia Pacific societies.

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Anti-VEGF injections may increase risk of surgical complications
Using Medicare claims data, investigators evaluated the effect of prior anti-VEGF injections on surgical and postoperative complication rates following cataract surgery. Patients with a history of anti-VEGF injections had a higher risk of retained lens fragment (HR 2.26) and both acute (HR 2.29) and delayed-onset (HR 3.65) endophthalmitis. The authors found no link between prior injections and increased risk for developing primary open-angle glaucoma. The authors call for increased preoperative assessment, additional intraoperative caution and postoperative vigilance in these patients. Ophthalmology, February 2016

Zika virus linked to retinal lesions in microcephalic infants
Researchers in Brazil are reporting vision-threatening retinal lesions in babies born with microcephaly that appear to be linked to infection with the mosquito-borne Zika virus. The case series includes 29 infants with microcephaly and a presumed Zika diagnosis. Eye abnormalities were detected in 10 of the 29 infants. The majority of cases had bilateral macular and perimacular lesions (64.7%), followed by optic nerve abnormalities in 8 eyes (47.1%), bilateral iris coloboma in 2 eyes (11.8%) and lens subluxation in 1 eye (5.9%). JAMA Ophthalmology, Feb. 9, 2015

Zepto may be the new femto
Zepto (Mynosys Inc., Fremont, CA), a disposable handpiece that uses precise, low-energy pulses to create a capsulotomy independent of pupil size, corneal clarity or lens density demonstrated good results in 2 studies. Tested in live rabbits and human cadaver eyes, the device created round, complete capsulotomies, with minimal zonular stress and negligible temperature spikes. A second study showed it created a significantly stronger capsulotomy than a femtosecond laser capsulotomy or a manual continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis. The authors also note that the Zepto is cheaper than the femtosecond laser, has fewer logistical challenges and reduces overall surgical time. Ophthalmology, February 2016

Dry eye linked to menstrual irregularity
This cross-sectional study investigated the association between irregular menstruation and dry eye disease. After adjustment for factors such as age, weight and lifestyle, women with irregular menstrual cycles were significantly more likely to have a dry eye disease (OR 1.49) or dry eye symptoms (OR 1.43). The authors suggest that changes in hormones, specifically androgens, affect meibomian and lacrimal glands. Cornea, February 2016

Inverted ILM insertion helps close macular holes
This retrospective study reports the outcomes of inverted internal limiting membrane (ILM) insertion in macular hole-associated retinal detachment in 40 patients with high myopia. Patients were divided into 2 groups: One underwent vitrectomy, ILM peeling within the arcade area and air-fluid exchange, while the second had a vitrectomy, inverted ILM insertion and air-fluid exchange. The closure rate was significantly higher with the inverted ILM technique (100% vs. 35%, P<0.001). Though postop visual acuity was similar between the 2 groups, the authors suggest that the higher closure rate may decrease the chance of postoperative re-detachment in these patients. American Journal of Ophthalmology, February 2016



New CME case: A 67-year-old man presents with a 4-day history of "graying" central vision that has progressed to a central "black spot" with "flickering lights." Launch case


Adaptive optics imaging helpful for monitoring CMV retinitis
This is the first study to show that adaptive optics (AO) imaging can be used to monitor the severe photoreceptor damage induced by cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis. The authors used AO and OCT imaging to follow a patient with HIV and CMV retinitis for 32 months, successfully documenting progression of retinal atrophy in the posterior pole with damage to cone photoreceptor cells, which is essential for early diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, January 2016


Express your interest in RANZCO’s Leadership Development Program today
Interested in developing your leadership skills? The RANZCO Leadership Development Program (LDP) is part of our charter to foster leadership and advocacy skills within our Fellows. We are supporting ophthalmologists who work for the greater good of the community and ophthalmology as a profession, and to develop the next generation of ophthalmic leaders. The closing date has been extended to Monday, 14 March, 2016. Apply on our website.

Australian and New Zealand Strabismus Society Meeting, 4-5 March
The 2016 meeting will take place at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne on 4 to 5 March, 2016. Invited guest speakers are Dr David Guyton, strabismus specialist from the USA and Dr Fiona Rowe, academic orthoptist from the UK. Find more information online.

RANZCO Museum: New acquisitions
Interested in history and heritage? Visit the RANZCO Museum website to discover a vast collection of ophthalmology equipment and new acquisitions from a variety of sources.

World Glaucoma Week, 6-12 MARCH

Glaucoma Australia and RANZCO are asking ophthalmologists to remind everyone visiting their practice before World Glaucoma Week, 6 to 12 March, that glaucoma runs in families and for people diagnosed with glaucoma to host their own B.I.G Breakfast to talk to their family members about having a check. Ophthalmologists are being asked to join the Beat Invisible Glaucoma in families by hosting their own B.I.G Breakfast. People diagnosed with glaucoma can be referred to Glaucoma Australia for free assistance, including education, support and eye drop instillation training. Please order a Practice Resource kit at WWW.GLAUCOMA.ORG.AU/WGW.HTM or by phoning (02) 9906 6640.


Update on procedures for removing an eye
This month’s Focal Points issue offers a practical, hands-on discussion of enucleation, evisceration and orbital exenteration. Learn more and visit the Academy store.

View candidates for Academy Membership
A list of all candidates applying for membership in 2016 can be found online. If you have any reason to believe a candidate should not be recommended by the board for election to membership, please explain why with written documentation no later than Sept 9.


Read Dr. Jennifer Li discusses loteprednol and graft rejection

MOC: An imposition on practicing MD's?

Cataract surgery in patient with Sturge-Weber Syndrome


Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO): Dr. Raj V. Azad
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO): Drs. Heather Mack and Ralph Higgins
Cambodian Ophthalmological Society (COS):
Drs. Ngy Meng and Mar Amarin
Chinese Ophthalmological Society (COS):
Dr. Xiaoxin Li
All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS): Drs. S. Natarajan and D. Ramamurthy
Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (PERDAMI): Drs. Ari Djatikusumo and Tjahjono D. Gondhowiardjo
Japanese Ophthalmological Society (JOS): Dr. Takeshi Yoshitomi, MD, PhD
Korean Ophthalmological Society (KOS): Drs. Young Joon Jo and Min Ahn
Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO): Dr. Tara Mary George
Mongolian Ophthalmological Society (MOS): Drs. Chimgee Chuluunkhuu and Batchimeg Battumur
Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh (NNJS): Dr. Ram Prasad Pokhrel
Pacific Eye Care Society (PacEYES): Drs. Rabebe Tekeraoi and Mundi Qalo
Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology (PAO):
Drs. Harvey Uy and Franz Marie Cruz
College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka (CSOL): Drs. Deepanee Wewalwalwala and Manel Pasqual
Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan (TOS): Drs. Ching-Yao Tsai and Po-Ting Yeh
Taiwanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (TSCRS): Drs. Tetsaw Chen and David Chaokai Chang
Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand (RCOPT): Drs. Pornchai Simaro, Yosanan Yospaiboon

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. David W. Parke II
Chief Medical Editor: Dr. Philip R. Rizzuto
Managing Editor: Susanne Medeiros

AAO Advisory Panel: Drs. Terry L. Forrest, Jean E. Ramsey, Milam A. Brantley, James C. Tsai, Sunita Radhakrishnan

Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO): secretariat@APAOphth.org
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO): ranzco@ranzco.edu
Cambodian Ophthalmological Society (COS: doseiha@gmail.com
Chinese Ophthalmological Society (COS): cenbj@public3.bta.net.cn
All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS): secretary@aios.org
Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (PERDAMI): perdami@indo.net.id
Japanese Ophthalmological Society (JOS): jos2@po.nichigan.or.jp
Korean Ophthalmological Society (KOS): kos@ophthalmology.org
Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO): msophth@gmail.com
Mongolian Ophthalmological Society (MOS): info@mon-ophth.mn
Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh (NNJS): kath@nnjs.wlink.com.np
Pacific Eye Care Society (PacEYES): peifiji@gmail.com
Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology (PAO): secretariat_pao@globelines.com.ph
College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka (CSOL): ophsleye@gmail.com
Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan (TOS): oph4@oph.org.tw
Taiwanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (TSCRS): mail@tscrs.org.tw
Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand (RCOPT): admin@rcopt.org

The Academy provides the items appearing in the Academy Express as a service to AAO, AIOS, COS, CSOL, JOS, MOS, MSO, NNJS, PAO, PERDAMI, RANZCO, RCOPT, TOS and TSCRS members. The articles and studies come from news reports and peer-reviewed journals, and are not the product, opinion or position of the Academy unless explicitly stated to be so. The Academy does not endorse products, companies or organizations. The Academy disclaims all liability. If you would like to update your email address, ask a question or be removed from the mailing list, send a request to the Academy.

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