
The Participation of Sv. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution in Avoidable Blindness Prevention & Treatment

Khristo Takhchidi, Alexander Doga, Nataliya Maychuk

Sv. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Moscow, Russia

According to the WHO, ~830.000.000 people worldwide are visually impaired, but 80% of blindness is avoidable. The Purpose of Sv. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution (SFEMFSI) creation was to provide the high-technological ophthalmic care at all Russian Federation regions and abroad. Nowadays, SFEMFSI- the biggest network of ophthalmic clinics in Russian Federation, treats ~1/3 of all Russian ophthalmic patients and >2000 patients from 86 countries per year. More than 6300 doctors from different countries were trained in technologies elaborated in SFEMFSI (Radial Keratotomy, Laser Cataract Extraction etc); >1500 residents and fellows from Russia, former Soviet Union Republics, Poland, Arabian Countries, Germany and other countries received the basic knowledge in ophthalmology here. The SFEMFSI successfully realized several international projects: the Floating Clinic- Ocean Liner "Flox" sailed at Gibraltar, United Arabian Emirates and others and provided all spectrum of ophthalmic care at the board; "clinics-on-wheels" – the diagnostic&operational buses during several years worked at Yemen. But the stationary clinics are more efficient and a lot of them were organized in San Marino, Egypt, Former Yugoslavia, Azerbaijan and others, that allowed to save hundreds thousands patients from blindness. Nowadays the Russian-China Ophthalmic Center at Dacyn, founded 8 years ago as well as the Russian-Vietnam Clinic at Hanoi works successfully and provided >20000 surgeries per year. The future of SFEMFSI participation at the avoidable blindness prevention is estimated in the effective replication of High Medical Technologies through the creation of Educational Centers in Russian regions and abroad, especially at Asian region.