
Direct Central Retinal Artery Massage for the Treatment of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion: A Non-randermized case-control study

1. Lu Ning¹
2. Wang Ning Li¹
3. Zhao Li Li
4. Li Ji Peng¹
5. Zhao Hong Shu¹
6. Li Lin¹

¹Beijing Tong Ren Hospital, Capital Medical University , Beijing, China

Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of direct central retinal artery massage (DCRAM) as a treatment for central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO).

Methods: We conducted a nonrandomized interventional study of consecutive patients with acute CRAO from July 2005 to July 2010.

Results: Thirty six patients received DCRAM and 50 received traditional therapy. Fifty eight percent of subjects in the DCRAM group had a visual acuity improvement of three lines or more compared with 29% in the traditional therapy group. There is no serious complications after the surgery.

Conclusions: DCRAM is associated with an improvement in visual acuity and retinal circulation compared with traditional therapy.