
Feasibility Study Of A New Femtosecond Cataract Surgery Procedure

1. Gerd U Auffarth¹
2. Luis A Ruiz²
3. Prasad Reddy³

¹Dept. Of Ophthalmology, University of Heidelberg, Germany
²Centro Oftalmológico, Bogotá, Colombia
³Maxivision Laser Centre, Hyderabad, India

Purpose: A preliminary clinical feasibility study into the safety and efficacy of performing lens capsulotomy and lens fragmentation with a femtosecond laser using the CUSTOMLENS procedure.

Methods: In this multicentre, multi-surgeon clinical feasibility study, 25 eyes underwent lens capsulotomy and the lens fragmentation steps of the cataract procedure using the CUSTOMLENS procedure on the TECHNOLAS Femtosecond laser (Technolas Perfect Vision). The safety, efficacy, predictability and accuracy of performing the cataract steps and the efficiency in performing lens fragmentation were assessed.

Results: To date, all of the procedures have been uneventful. Accurate and predictable rhexis flaps have been produced. Lens fragmentation was efficient and achieved using a customisable approach.

Conclusion: An initial evaluation of the CUSTOMLENS procedure finds it is a safe and efficient technique for performing lens capsulotomy and lens fragmentation. The cataract steps can be performed in a precise and controllable manner.