
Changing Pattern of Uveitis in Indonesia for Three Decades (1981-2007)

1.Soefiandi Soedarman¹
2.Soedarman Sjamsoe¹
3.Dian Estu¹

¹Dept. of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.

PURPOSE: To investigate clinical characteristics and etiology of uveitis in the past 3 decades (1981-2007)

METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 496 patients with uveitis in the Dept. of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty, Univ. of Indonesia – Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta within 1981 to 2007.

RESULTS: Based on anatomical location of uveitis, in the eighties, 72 (50%) cases predominantly anterior uveitis, while in the nineties and in the millennium predominantly panuveitis (42.1% & 38%). Infectious etiologies still accounted for uveitis cases with the common infectious cause in the eighties were tuberculosis (5.6%) and toxoplasmosis (5.6%), in the nineties were toxoplasmosis (17,1%) and tuberculosis (6,2%), and in the millennium were toxoplasmosis (27,1%) and CMV retinitis (21,2%). There were a consistent decrease in the rate of undetermined uveitis from 66% in the eighties to 31.4% in the nineties and 15.2% in the millennium.

CONCLUSIONS: There was a changing pattern of uveitis based on location form and etiology in the past 3 decades. Anterior uveitis decreased in proportion throughout the decades. Infection was still the foremost cause of uveitis with tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis are the common cause. However CMV retinitis emerge in the millennium as the new frequent etiology as HIV/AIDS become epidemic. As improved diagnostic techniques become available, diagnosis of undetermined uveitis continues to decrease.