
Difference Value`s Distribution and Change of Ocular Components with Degree of Anisometropia

1. Young- Chun Lee¹
2. Chan-Soo Kim
3. Soo-Young Kim

¹Department of Ophthalmology, Uijongbu St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea

Purpose: We evaluated the change of the ocular dimensions with age in patients with emmetropia.

Methods: We examined the refraction, corneal curvature, and biometry in 150 persons aged from 5 to 75 years, with a spherical equivalent refraction of under ±0.75 diopter(D). Ocular dimensions were measured by A-scan ultrasonography and keratometry. We analysed the distribution and change of ocular dimensions with age group (1: 0-19 year-old group, 2: 20-39 year-old group, 3: 40-59 year-old group, 4: 60-79 year-old group).

Results: The values of corneal radius(CR), vitreous chamber depth(VCD) and axial length(AL) grow up till group 2. since then, those show a decline. Lens thickness(LT) increase from group 1, whereas anterior chamber depth(ACD) decrease from group 1(P<0.05). In comparison of sexes CR, VCD, AL(P<0.05) and ACD(P=0.10) seems to higher value in male than female. LT seems to higher value in female than male (P=0.06).

Conclusions: The external shapes grows up till group 2 in emmetropia. since then, that become smaller with age. LT grows larger, ACD has a decline, these kinds of change compensate for AL decrease to keep emmetropia.