Visual Function In Patients Implanted With The Lentis Mplus Multifocal Intraocular Lens
1. Sunil Shah¹
2. Phillip Buckhurst²
3. James Wolffsohn²
4. Shehzad Naroo²
5. Leon Davies²
¹Midland Eye Institute, Solihull, United Kingdom
²Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Purpose: To examine the performance of patients implanted binocularly with the Lentis MPlus IOL in photopic and mesopic conditions.
Methods: 15 patients were implanted bilaterally with the Lentis MPlus IOL and 15 implanted with a monofocal control. Examinations were conducted 3 months post-surgery. Uncorrected and Best distance corrected visual acuity at distance (BCVA), intermediate (BDCIVA) and near (BDCNVA) (logMAR chart), contrast sensitivity (Pelli-Robson chart/CSV-1000) and binocular defocus curves from +1.5D to -5.0D in 0.5D randomised steps were measured in both photopic (85cd/m2) and mesopic (3cd/m2) conditions. In addition, monocular defocus curves were measured to assess binocular summation and binocular reading speed was assessed (MNRead) in photopic conditions.
Results: Bilateral BCVA was similar in both groups: Lentis Mplus 0.11±0.07LogMAR and Monofocal control –0.08±0.08LogMAR. The lentis Mplus achieved significantly better BDCNVA (p<0.001) and BCIVA (p=0.004). The defocus curve profile of the Lentis Mplus showed a large peak in visual acuity between 2.00D and 2.50D (equivalent to 40-50cm). The Lentis Mplus is designed to be pupil independent; this is shown by how the defocus profile is maintained in mesopic conditions providing subjects with reading ability in poor lighting conditions.
Conclusions: The Lentis MPlus has shown impressive results at the 3-month stage and proves to be an effective method for correcting presbyopia.