Opticoreconstructive Surgery Based On Penetrating Keratoplasty And "Iris&Iol" Artificial Complex Implantation In Patient With Severe Penetrating Ocular Injury Consequences
1. Victor Krylov
2. Sergey Sakhnov
Sv. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex, Krasnodar, Russia
Purpose: To demonstrate the possibility of complex opticoreconstructive surgery based on penetrating keratoplasty and "Iris&IOL" artificial complex implantation to rehabilitate the patient with severe penetrating ocular injury consequences.
Methods: Patient with uncorrected visual acuity 0.01 having severe penetrating ocular injury consequences: vascularized adherent corneal scars, false pterygium, irregular astigmatism, aphakia and partial aniridia - underwent conjunctival plasty, reconstruction anterior chamber, anterior vitrectomy, implantation of "Iris&IOL" artificial complex (Russian production) and penetrating keratoplasty.
Results: Besides the cosmetic effect the achieved postoperative visual acuity was 0.6 without correction.
Conclusions: Innovative technologies of the opticoreconstructive surgeries based on penetrating keratoplasty and "Iris&IOL" artificial complex implantation allow to reconstruct anatomic eye structures, achieving both cosmetic effect and partial visual function recovery.