Expression of Conjunctival Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (MMPI) in Mountain Farmers is Different with Fishermen in Coast
1. Anny Sulistiyowati
2. T. Viona Zohra
Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang, Indonesia
Purpose: To determine the difference expression of MMPI due to exposure to sunlight on the conjunctiva of farmers and fishermen.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. The conjunctiva epithelium sample was taken by impression cytology. MMPI expression was observed with immunocytochemistry.
Results: There were 44 sample, 22 from the mountain and 22 in the coast. The levels of MMP1 expression in mountainous areas were higher than that on the beach. Factors that influencing were the exposure time (p 0,005) and area (p 0,000). The average of MMP1 expression at different ages did not differ significantly in both coastal and mountainous areas.
Conclusion: Expression of MMPI of farmers were higher than fishermen because of sunlight exposure time.