Effect Of Injectable Crosslink Sodium Hyaluronate In Trabeculectomy
Ji Peng Li¹, Jing Fu¹, Lei Hao¹, Huai Zhou Wang¹, Ning Li Wang¹
¹Beijing Tongren Eye Center, PR China
Objective To investigate the effect of injectable crosslink sodium hyaluronate in trabeculectomy.
Method Each group contained 25 patients, one group received sub-conjunctiva injection of crosslink sodium hyaluronate just before the surgery ended; the other group received regular surgery without injection. The post operation complications were observed. The intraocular pressure of each group at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6months after operation were recorded. The blebs were evaluated by slit lamp photographing, and were scanned by anterior segment OCT.
Result Less complications occurred in the experimental group. The intraocular pressure of the two groups showed significant difference at 3 months [(10.8±3.8)mmHg vs(13.8±6.3) mmHg (P=0.047) ] and 6 months[(11.6±4.9) mmHg vs(15.2±5.2) mmHg(P=0.037)]; but no significant difference at 1 week and 1 month. The blebs in experimental group had higher scores evalutaed by their height, extent, and vessels in slit lamp photograph. The blebs in experimental group showed longer transverse/longitudinal length and higher height measured by anterior segment OCT, while the thickness of the bleb wall showed no significant difference.
Conclusion The injectable crosslink sodium hyaluronate can lessen the post-operation complications, maintain the form of the bleb and help to control the intraocular pressure.