A case of ocular toxocariasis confirmed by immunochromatography of vitreous fluid
1. Maria Yamamoto¹
2. Kenichi Namba¹
3. Nobuyoshi Kitaichi²
4. Daiju Iwata¹
5. Shigeaki Ohno³
6. Susumu Ishida¹
¹Department of Ophthalmology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan
²Department of Ophthalmology, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Hokkaido, Japan
³Department of Ocular inflammation and Immunology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido, Japan
Purpose: Toxocara canis is a parasite that can invade the eye and cause a significant inflammatory response. Since clinical findings are sometimes similar to other uveitis entities, diagnosis of ocular toxocariasis is difficult. Prompt and accurate diagnosis of this disease is essential to prevent permanent visual loss. We show a case in which the immunochromatography of the vitreous fluid was useful to make a diagnosis of ocular toxocariasis.
Method: Case report.
Result: A 63-year-old woman presented with a complaint of floaters OS. Clinical examination revealed the presence of vitreous opacity and massive exudates surrounded by hard exudates and serous retinal detachment in the inferior peripheral retina in her left eye. PCR analysis of the aqueous humor was negative for herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus. The results of the blood tests were negative for the most infectious diseases or endogenous uveitis. However, immunochromatography and ELISA test of the serum anti-toxocara antibody were positive, and we suspected ocular toxocariasis. With oral prednisolone administration from 60mg and gradual tapering, ocular inflammation has been well controlled during the following 4 years. However, she then developed epiretinal membrane OS, and the left visual acuity gradually decreased. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed, and anti-toxocara antibody was detected by immunochromatography and ELISA test in the vitreous fluid. These results could lead to a definitive diagnosis of ocular toxocariasis.
Conclusion: Identifying anti-toxocara antibody by immunochromatography and ELISA test in the vitreous fluid is effective to establish the diagnosis of the ocular toxocariasis.