
Orbital Meningioma

1. Sagung Gede Indrawati
2. Purjanto Tepo Utomo

RSUP Dr. Sardjito/Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Purpose: To report a descriptive review of 21 orbital meningiomas patients at Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

Methods: A retrospective medical record review, data regarding sex, age, hormonal contraceptive history, pathological types and the management.

Result: From August 2009- July 2010 there were 21 patients reported to be suffered from orbital meningiomas. Of all patients 3 (14%) were males and 18 (86%) were females, with the range of age 18-56 years old and the onset 1-60 months (mean 24.24 months). Hormonal contraceptive histories were reported in 16 patients and injection delivery was the most common methods. The most common pathological finding were Meningothelial meningioma. Fourteen patients underwent lateral orbitotomy, 5 craniotomy and 2 patients were lost.

Conclusion: Meningiothelial meningioma was the most common type of orbital meningiomas.