Magnitude, Determinant, Severity, Consequences And Health Seeking Behavior Of People With Ocular Injury In Bangladesh
Sayedul Hoque Md
Perpose: to estimate the incidence,causes,nature,severity, consequences and health seeking behavior of people with ocular injury in Bangladesh.
Study design- Cross sectional descriptive study
Targrt population- 600,000
Study period- July2009-August 2010.
Study place- Rural areas of Bangladesh
Sampling- Initial surveillance data of CIPRB are utilized to detect ocular injury.
Results: Total 248 ocular injuries were detected. The agr range was 1-89 years with Mean of 26.56 yrs. Male was 59.7% and Female was 40.3%. The incidence of ocular injury was 76/100,000 person year. The injury was more in male ( 91.5/100,000) than female (61.4/100,000). The injury rate was highest in 35-45 age group (94.4/100,000). 8.1% cases were hospitalized and 2% were operated.18.5% were found visually disabled.Mean treatment cost was 1177 BDT.Mean work loss was 8.5 days and mean schooling loss was 6.89 days.Most common incidence of ocular injury was in house and its premises (53.6%). Commonest injury was blunt one (29%).Primary treatment was commonly sought from medicine shop (29%); Public hospital (22%); Private hospital (8%); and Traditional(9%).
Conclusions: Ocular injury appears as one of the major health problem in Bangladesh.Major oocular injuries happen in house and premises. Only few proportion of ocular injury received proper treatment. Ocular injury needs immediate attention for its prevention and proper management in Bangladesh.