
Integration Of Surgical Eye Camp With Home Gardening Intervention To Improve Eye Health In Mountain Village Of Nepal

1. Anil Sharma FRANZCO¹
2. Surya Bhattarai PhD²

¹Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Rockhampton, Australia
²Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia

Preventable blindness is a major health issue in rural Nepal. Poor nutrition amongst the population aggravates existing health, both general and eye. We adopted a novel approach by integrating both curative (surgical eye camp) and preventative (nutrition intervention program) approaches with the aim of delivering sustainable eye health for the poor and socio-culturally diverse mountain population of Nepal.

We mobilised community participation and involved a multi-disciplinary approach comprising of an ophthalmic team, agricultural and social scientists. Medical and nutritive interventions were simultaneously carried out.

1200+ patients were screened and 86 cases of sight restorative surgery were performed. 300 pairs of glasses were supplied to the presbyopic population and necessary eye medication (glaucoma drops, antibiotics, lubricants) was distributed. Patients requiring referral were sent to a tertiary eye care centre. The family nutrition intervention consisted of benchmarking current nutrition intake status and demonstration of home-gardening techniques aided by low-cost drip irrigation, to increase general awareness and enhance the intake of nutrient rich fruit and vegetables in the diet.

Surgical patients received post-operative eye medications along with home gardening kits, consisting of enough seeds, bio-fertiliser, and information to produce vegetables for a year and meet the dietary requirements for a family of 4, and 4 neighbours.

An integrated approach was rewarding as the rural poor were able to benefit from sight restorative surgery and enhance they nutritional status by incorporating home gardening techniques that contribute to sustainable eye health and overall well being.