
Medial and Lateral Canthal Tendon Laxity in Involutional Entropion and Epiphora in Korean

1. Sehyun Baek¹
2. Tae Eun Lee¹
3. Hwa Lee¹
4. Jongmi Lee²

¹Department of Ophthalmology, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
²Department of Ophthalmology, Ulsan University Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea

Purpose: To evaluate normal variation of the degree of medial, lateral canthal tendon laxity and to analyze the medial, lateral canthal tendon laxity in involutional entropion and epiphora.

Methods: One-hundred-and-eighty Koreans (360 eyes) and 10 patients (13 eyes) with involutional entropion and 41 patients(58 eyes) with epiphora were included in this study. We measured medial and lateral canthal tendon laxity by lateral distraction test. Differences between sexes and changes between age groups were evaluated in normal group and compared with involutiona entropion group and epiphora group.

Results: In normal group, the mean of medial and lateral tendon laxity was 1.83/1.08. There was no difference between sexes in LPR statistically. The mean of medial and lateral canthal tendon laxity was tended to increase in the patients aged over fifties. In involutional entropion group, the mean of medial and lateral tendon laxity was 2.78/2.18. There was a significant difference between normal group and involutional entropion group. In epiphora group, the mean of medial and lateral tendon laxity was 2.28/1.22. There was a significant difference between normal group and involutional entropion group .

Conclusion: Our results may be beneficial in the selection of a basic plan of treatment for Korean patients with involutional entropion and epiphora patients.