
A Prospective Study To Evaluate The Safety And Effectiveness Of The New Presbyopic SUPRACOR Algorithm In Post-LASIK cases

John Chang

Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Hong Kong, China

Purpose: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the presbyopic excimer algorithm, SUPRACOR, in subjects who had LASIK surgeries previously.

Methods: A prospective single center, single surgeon study where the non-dominant eye of 20 subjects was treated with the SUPRACOR algorithm using the Technolas 217z100 excimer laser (Technolas Perfect Vision). The post-operative follow-up period was 3 months. Primary measured outcomes include refraction, unaided and best distance and near visual acuity, corneal topography and wavefront. Refractive outcomes were evaluated for efficacy, safety and predictability.

Results: Results will be presented at the meeting.

Conclusion: SUPRACOR is a very new and yet promising, aberration-neutral ablation algorithm for treating presbyopia. SUPRACOR is a corneal LASIK procedure that appears to be safe and effective in treating presbyopia in virgin as well as eyes with previous LASIK surgeries.