
Young-Aged Adults with High Myopia Have Increased Risk of Retinal Detachment After Cataract Extraction And Intraocular Lens Implantation In Taiwan

1. Jiun-Yo Lin¹
2. Wan-Ling Ho¹
3. Shwu-Jiuan Sheu1,2

¹Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung,Taiwan.
²School of Medicine National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan

Purpose: To investigate the possible risk factors of retinal detachment(RD) after cataract extraction(CE) and intraocular lens(IOL) implantation in a single medical center.

Methods: Medical records of 6040 inpatients receiving CE and IOL implantation, between January 1, 1991 and April 30, 2009, were consecutively reviewed retrospectively. Data recorded for analysis included demographic characteristics, medical history, axial length (AL), operation method, intraoperative and postoperative complications, RD history in fellow eye, posterior capsulotomy, and records for RD.

Results: A total of 6040 cases, including 4324 males (71.59%) and 1716 females (28.14%), were collected. The mean age of total patients was 71.80+8.70 years (males: 73.25+7.76, females: 68.14+9.81). The mean follow-up time of total patients was 32.01+34.73 months. Retinal detachment was identified in 10 patients by the end of follow-up. Gender distribution had no significant effect on the occurrence of RD after CE, whereas age distribution showed significant influence on the risk of RD after cataract surgery (p=0.001), so did the history of hypertension (p=0.018), Nd-YAG laser posterior capsulotomy (p=0.006), and RD history in fellow eye (p<0.001). Younger age carried more risk of RD after CE and IOL implantation. AL also had a significant effect on the risk of RD after CE (p<0.001). Those who have AL longer than 26mm have significantly higher tendency to develop RD after CE. Surgical types (extracapsular vs. phacoemulsification), intraoperative complication and diabetes mellitus were not correlated significantly with RD.

Conclusions: Our results showed that age is an important factor for pseudophakic RD, especially in high myopic eyes.