The Change of Tear Film in Patients with Dry Eye Syndrome using Non-contact Confocal Microscopy
1. Wang Wenjun
2. Wang Yong
3. Ma Weimei
Department of Ophthalmology, Xi'an Fourth Hospital, Xi'an Institute of Ocular Fundus Diseases, Xi'an 710004, Shannxi, P.R China
Purpose: To evaluate and illustrate various conditions or change of tear film related to dry eye syndrome using the ConfoScan4 (CS4) confocal microscope with the 20× non-contact lens.
Methods: The CS4 was used to evaluate the natural tear film in 80 eyes of 40 patients with normal examinations, allergic conjunctivitis, nonspecific conjunctivitis, and dry eyes. In a subset of this patient population, subjective and objective findings were used to classify of confocal microscopy as an objective tool to diagnose and manage different tear film-related ocular disease was also evaluated.
Results: The change in tear film composition were visible using confocal microscopy. Photographs from tear film demonstrate confocal non-contact 20× microscopy as a diagnostic tool.
Conclusions: Non-contact confocal microscopy is a valuable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye syndrome and other ocular states such as allergic and nonspecific conjunctivitis. It provides a simple and effective way to observe, classify, and treat the tear film.