
Reproducibility of Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Image with GDx

Jianhua Chen

Purpose: To evaluate the agreement of retinal nerve fiber layer image with GDx in inter-observes and intra-observe.

Methods: Three independent ophthalmologists and one ophthalmologist evaluated the 147 images of retinal nerve fiber layer by masked study. Each patient was graded as presence or absence and regions of damage of retinal nerve fiber layer. The retinal nerve fiber layer was evaluated qualitatively according to a standard classification: normal pattern, slit, wedge, and diffuse defects. Three observers evaluated on separate occasions in same time and one observer evaluated within three months. Inter-observers and intra-observer reproducibility, evaluated by Îșappa value statistic.

Results: 1. 75 patients (147 eyes) with POAG, including 30 males (64 eyes), 45 females (83 eyes), aged from 19 to 79 were evaluated the agreement by three observers and one observer.
2. Inter-observers agreement was 0.61.
3. Intra-observer agreement was excellent, Îșappa value=0.85.

Conclusions: The inter-observers and intra-observer reproducibility are better or excellent. GDx may provide the reliable data for clinic diagnosis of RNFL and allow follow-up of patients with glaucoma.