
Accommodative Esotropia
Successful Management with Full Correction Cycloplegia

Case Report
Hariwati Moehariadi, Agustin Wijayanti, Lely Retno Wulandari.

Departement of Ophthalmology Saiful Anwar Hospital,
Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Malang

Background :
Accommodative Esotropia is the most common type of esotropia in children. This type is caused by accommodation. Mostly, the treatment is unsuccessfull because of poor compliance of the patient. But in this case report the treatment got successfull by full cycloplegia refraction.

Purpose :
To report a case of Accommodative Esotropia which improved with full cycloplegia refraction.

Method :
A case report of 5 years old boy was came to at the Pediatric and Strabismus subdivision Ophthalmology Clinic Saiful Anwar Hospital. The diagnosed was established by anamnesa and physical examination.

Result :
A boy presented with complain squint on his right and left eye (alternating) since one year ago. BCVA without cycloplegia on his right eye was 5/50 ccS+7.00 →5/12pH-, and the left eye was 5/15 ccS+1.50 →5/8.5pH-. BCVA with cycloplegia on his right eye was 2/60 ccS+7.00→5/12pH-, and the left eye was 3/60 ccS+7.00 →5/8.5pH-. Hirschberg Test before correction was 30° ET alternans and after correction was 15°ET. From PCT before correction for distance and near was 65 PD, and after correction was 40 PD. We treat the patient with full cycloplegia refraction and after follow up for about 2 months the deviation reduced.

Conclusion :
We have been reported a case of Accommodative Esotropia which improved with full cycloplegia refraction.

Key word : accommodative esotropia, refractive accommodative esotropia.