Fig. 14 Retinotopic organization of visual fibers in the anterior visual pathways (after Hoyt). Diagram of homonymous retinal quadrants and their fiber projections, anterior aspect. it, inferior temporal; in, inferior nasal; SN, superior nasal; ST, superior temporal. Note the following: the superior fibers retain a superior course, and the inferior fibers retain an inferior position; the anterior notch (1) is occupied by inferonasal (superior temporal field) fibers; the inferonasal fibers bend slightly into the contralateral nerve (2), Wilbrand's knee; inferior homonymous fibers converge in the chiasm (3), but superior homonymous fibers converge beyond the chiasm in the tract (4); the posterior notch (5) is occupied by superior nasal (inferior temporal field) fibers, as well as macular fibers (cf. Fig. 9).