Table 5. Correspondence of Human Muscle Fiber Type Properties

Extraocular Muscle Limb Muscle
Staining pattern Size Type (Engel) Histology Histochemistry Function
Granular Larger fiber II White, few mitochondria Low oxidative activity Fast twitch
        High glycolytic activity  
      Fibrillenstruktur Alkali-stable myosin ATPase  
Fine Smaller fiber I Red, many mitochondria High oxidative activity Slow twitch
        Low ATPase, and glycolytic activity  
      Fibrillenstruktur Acid-stable myosin ATPase  
Coarse Smallest fibers No corresponding type Felderstruktur Intense oxidative activity Tonic
        High ATPase activity (pH 9.4)  
        Intense staining for lipid and glycogen