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Fig. 6. Emboli. A. Retinal vessel on the left (v) is occluded by an osmophilic fat globule. A smaller fat globule (arrow) is seen in the vessel on the right. The retinal arteriole fat emboli followed closed-chest cardiac massage. B. Cholesterol embolus in a retinal artery (arrow). Inset 1. Higher magnification of the embolus. Inset 2. Clinical appearance of a cholesterol embolus (arrow) in the same eye prior to enucleation. Multiple cholesterol emboli (Hollenhorst plaques) were present in the fundus of a 67-year-old man with carotid artery stenosis. (A, PD ×300; B, H&E ×40; inset 1, H&E × 101; inset 2, clinical) |