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The research between  research  pigmentary degeneration of retina for blood stasis aad haemorhelogy (Abstract)         
The research between  research  pigmentary degeneration of retina for blood stasis aad haemorhelogy (Abstract)
作者:Xingzhon… 文章来源:Jiangxi  Provincial  Peoples Hospital 点击数: 更新时间:2005-7-4 16:53:14
Purpose:we explored the essence of prigmentary degeneation of retina for blood stasis, and seeked objective index and theory for treating it ,by activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, through haemorhelogical determination of it。 Method:comparing 40 healthy adults with 50 cases with pigmentarg degeneration of retina,we detected their haemorhelogy。 Result:In comparision with healthy adult、the blood viscositgand erytherocgstic aggregation index were higher in patient with pigmentarg degeneration of retina (P≤0.05,P≤0.01)。 Couclusion:The patients with pigmentarg degeneration of retina possess lespecialg (middle-advanceded stage) high-viscidemia and chang slowly the blood flow。They present blood stasis and lead inevititably the part-tissue to ischeia,auoxia, functional disturbance, thus aggravate retina functional lesion。Above all,author considered it was possible clinical significance to adopt the medicine of activating blood circulation to dissipate, depoly merizing degrading blood viscositg,enhancing blood flow。
会议投稿录入:aya610    责任编辑:毛进 
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