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作者:林华  文章来源:重庆市沙坪坝区人民医院 400030  点击数1555  更新时间:2006/6/27 9:07:25  文章录入:林华  责任编辑:毛进
目的:观察甾体类药物结膜下注射及注射后加用非甾体药,治疗原发性虹睫炎。方法:将169例患者随机分成两组,一组:注射曲安萘德3mg一次,二组:注射曲安萘德3mg一次后加滴迪非眼液(双氯芬酸)4次/日。结果:二组病人睫状充血、kp、Tyn均较一组消失更快。结论:联用非甾体药物疗效明显优于单纯使用甾体药物。 关键词:甾体类药物 甾体与非甾体药物联合使用 原发性虹睫炎 Observation of the curative effect of steroid combined with non-steroid drug in primary iridocyclitis.LIN Hua.(The people,s Hospital of Shapingb,Chongqing 400030,China) [Abstract] Objective: To observe the curative effect of subcon-junctival injection of steroid drug and local drip of non-steroid drug in the treatment of primary iridocyclitis. Methods: 169 patients with primary iridocyclitis were randomly divided into group 1 and 11.The subconjunctival injection of triamcinolone acetonide was used in both groups one time,besides this,the group 11 was added with local drip of diclofenac sodium eye drops four times a day. Results: Compared with the group 1, the ciliary congestion,Kp and Tyn in the group 11 disappeared earlier. Conclusion: in the treatment of primary iridocyclitis,the curative effect of steroid combined with non-steroid drug is superior to that of steroid alone. [key words] Steroid drug ; Combined use of steroid and non-steroid drug; primary iridocyclitis
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