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The optimal management strategy for patients of retinal detachment associated with ciliary body detachment
作者:Yu Xu-hu…  文章来源: 哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院 眼科分院  点击数952  更新时间:2006/6/30 23:56:17  文章录入:yujiurgj  责任编辑:毛进
Purpose: This is a preliminary report to describe our principle of how to manage the patients of retinal detachment associated with choroidal detachment while just in the stage of ciliary body detachment optimally . Materials and Methods :Twenty-eight patients(twenty-eight eyes )of retinal detachment associated with choroidal detachment while just in the stage of ciliary body detachment underwent primary scleral buckle. Results : Primary scleral buckle is effective in the management of 24 eyes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with coexisting choroidal detachment in the stage of ciliary body detachment. 4 eyes failed to reattachment for the hemorrhage, which intensified an already existing inflammatory process and thereby added to an impending PVR process,and 3 eyes obtained its final reattachment through the following vitrectomy but 1 eye gave up the management. Conclusion : Primary scleral buckling .is recommended for the management of choroidal detachment associated with retinal detachment while in its early stage.
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