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作者:庞秀琴,…  文章来源:首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科中心 100730  点击数1191  更新时间:2007/5/24 18:27:20  文章录入:liulijiang  责任编辑:毛进
摘要:目的 评价复杂性睫状体断离的临床特点和手术处理方法。方法 回顾分析了2001年4月—2007年1月在本中心就诊的复杂性睫状体断离病例111例,结果 在全部患者中,除睫状体断离外,伴有其他主要眼部病变包括玻璃体视网膜病变(67.6%),晶状体病变(55.9%),眶壁骨折(10.8%),虹膜根部断离(9.0%),前房积血(5.4%)。全部患者均进行了睫状体复位手术,其中,39眼同时进行了联合手术,手术方式包括:单纯白内障摘出(ECCE)2.7%,白内障摘出+IOL植入0.9%,晶状体玻璃体切除23.4%,晶状体玻璃体切除+IOL4.5%.,虹膜修复3.6%。结论 玻璃体视网膜病变和晶状体病变是最多见的伴随体征。晶状体玻璃体切除是主要的联合手术方式。 Abstract:Objective To study the clinical characteristics and management of complex traumatic cyclodialysis. Methods 111 cases (111 eyes) of complex cyclodialysis attended Tongren Hospital from April 2001 to January 2007 were retrospectively reviewed. All cases were presented with cyclodialysis combined with other ocular injuries, the characteristics and surgical management were analyzed Results The major signs include vitreoretinal disorders(67.6%), lenticular injury(55.9%), obital fracture(10.8%), iridodialysis(9.0%), hyphema(5.4%). Direct cycropexy was performed on each case, in addition, 39 cases were underwent combined surgery, including ECCE, ECCE+IOL, vitrectomy+lensectomy, vitrectomy+lensectomy +IOL, repair of partial iridodialysis. Percentage of the surgical intervention is relatively 2.7%, 0.9%, 23.4%, 4.5%. 3.6%. Conclusions fisting attack is the primary traumatic source. Vitreoretinal disorders and lenticular injury are the most sings found. Vitrectomy+Lensectomy is the primary surgical intervention.
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