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作者:Kusa Bar…  文章来源:C.M.A. Centro Microchirurgia Ambulatoriale  点击数302  更新时间:2011/9/13  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进

PURPOSE: OptiVis™ represents a new concept in multifocal IOL optics combining benefits of both diffractive bifocal and progressive refractive designs providing near, far, and intermediate vision in one IOL. We presents Optical theory of OptiVis™ and six-month clinical outcomes of 76 implants (38 bilateral implantation)
METHODS: OptiVis™ is implanted bilaterally through a 2,8/3.0 mm incision following cataract removal .  Follow-up examinations occur at 1 days, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.
Follow-up evaluations include uncorrected (UCVA) and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) for distance and distance-corrected near and intermediate visual acuity.  Photopic and mesopic lighting are used during visual acuity testing as appropriate. Patient satisfaction surveys are administered to assess functional visual performance, spectacle independence, and unwanted visual images.
RESULTS: Through-focus response (TFR) curves for OptiVis™ from optical bench testing shows a broad distance focus peak relative to other diffractive multifocal IOLs predicting greater depth of focus into the intermediate range and more forgiving distance power calculations and sharp near focus peak similar to simple diffractive bifocal IOLs.Mean age was 70.37 ± 6.25 yrs.  At six months (examined 76 eyes), distance UCVA was 22.97/20( 0.93) and BCVA 20.74/20 (0.99)  with -0.10 ± 0.31 SE. Uncorrected binocular vision was 33.72/20 at 40 cm, and  39.86/20 at 70 cm. Clinical results demonstrate good patient satisfaction with bilateral implantation of OptiVis™, good distance and near vision, and functional intermediate vision.
CONCLUSIONS:OptiVis™ is an advanced generation multifocal IOL combining apodized diffractive and progressive refractive optics for near, distance, and intermediate vision.  OptiVis™ is to be indicated for bilateral implantation.  Initial clinical outcomes indicate that this is a promising new multifocal design.
OptiVis advantages are:(1) predictable intermediate image, (2) predictable improvement in retinal image contrast at large pupil and (3) reduced halo and glare.

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