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作者:鲍永珍  文章来源:北京大学人民医院眼科 100044  点击数1984  更新时间:2004/6/15  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进
Tono-pen眼压计是一种新型的压平式眼压计。1960年Mackay-Marg首创Mackay-Marg眼压计并将其应用于临床进行眼压测量[1、2]。80年代末根据Mackay-Marg眼压计的原理设计的Tono-pen眼压计首次被应用于临床[3],目前被国外医生广泛应用于临床及动物实验,而国内尚未见Tono-pen眼压计的临床应用报道。本文目的:介绍一种新型的压平眼压计Tono-pen在眼压筛查中的应用。 方法:对青海省平安县50岁以上自然人群进行整群抽样调查。记录用Tono-pen眼压计测量的眼压值,并进行统计学分析。结果:全部受检者875人,1750眼。其中男性290人,女性585人,年龄50-89岁,平均 63±1.7岁。排除青光眼、眼球萎缩、有内眼手术史病人11人(19眼)及记录缺失57眼后获得有效眼压记录 1674项,范围从7 mmHg到25 mmHg,平均16.5±0.2mmHg,双侧95%参考值范围 16.5±6.4 mmHg,与成人正常眼压范围的参考值相符合;随年龄增加,眼压有所下降;不同性别之间眼压无差别。 结论:Tono-pen眼压计作为压平眼压计的一种,与Goldman眼压计相比在眼科普查中具有明显的优势,同时也适用于眼压筛查以及角膜不规则、角膜感染性炎症、眼球震颤者、行动不便者和婴幼儿的眼压测量。 The application of Tono-pen in intraocular pressure screening Qu Jinfeng Bao Yongzhen Li Xiaoxin Objective:To introduce the application of a new type of applanation tonometer Tono-pen.in intraocular pressure screening . Methods:Cluster sampling survey of the crowd which was over 50 years old in PingAn Qinghai .Record their IOP which was measured with Tono-pen and run statistic analysis. Results:1674 records avalaible,range from 7 mmHg to 25 mmHg,average 16.5±0.2mmHg,95%confidence interval 16.5±6.4 mmHg coincident with normal reference of IOP of grown-ups.IOP decreased with age increasing.There is no difference between the IOP of male and femal. Conclusion: Tono-pen has many advantages compared with traditional tonometer especially in measurement of IOP of the infant and patient who has cornear infection、irregular conear、nystagmus or difficult in walking。And also useful in IOP screening.Tono-pen
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