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Roles of GRIM-19 on ultraviolet A radiation-induced HLE cell apoptosis
作者:王思敏  文章来源:中国医科大学附属第一医院  点击数276  更新时间:2012/9/13  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进
Objective UVA radiation from sunlight is known to be a risk factor for human cataract. The purpose in this study was to investigate the human lens epithelial cell which cultured in vivo apoptosis and effects of GRIM-19 after ultraviolet A radiation.
Methods Human lens epithelial cells (HLEC) were cultured in vitro and were divided into control group andexperimental group.The control group were non-exposed .Experimental groupwas divided into five subgroups by various exposure dose levels which were 30mJ/cm(2)、60 mJ/cm(2)、90mJ/cm(2)、120mJ/cm(2)、150mJ/cm(2)。We evaluated the effects of different dose of UVA irradiation correlating with the alterations of protein  of GRIM-19 and the apoptosis of HLECS.
Results There was a significant increase in apoptosis of cells inexperimental groupof 60 mJ/cm(2)、90mJ/cm(2)、120mJ/cm(2)、150mJ/cm(2)compared to control group(F=132.32,p<0.05). The group of30 mJ/cm(2)compared to control group(p>0.05).In response,results of Western blotting experiment showed a significant dose-dependent increase in GRIM-19 expression .Expression of GRIM-19 ofexperimental groupof 60 mJ/cm(2)、90mJ/cm(2)、120mJ/cm(2)、150mJ/cm(2) compared to control group(F=5.72,p<0.05).Expression of GRIM-19 of 30 mJ/cm(2) groupcompared to control group(p>0.05).There was a positive statistic correlation betweenapoptosis of cellsand GTIM-19 expression(r=0.75,P<0.05).
Conclusion GRIM-19 located in human lens epithelial cell.The ultraviolet A radiationincreased the apoptosis of HLEC and expression of GRIM-19 in HLEC. Both of them hada positive statistic correlation.
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