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Effect of Myopia on Ganglion cell complex and peripapillery Retinal nerve fibre layer measurements- a Fourier domain OCT study of Chinese
作者:赵镇南  文章来源:复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院  点击数303  更新时间:2012/9/13  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进
Purpose To investigate the change of ganglion cell complex (GCC) and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) under different refractive conditions, as measured by optical coherence tomograhpy.
Methods Consecutive participants were enrolled over a 6-month-period. OCT images were obtained by a spectral domain system- RTVue OCT using scan pattern: GCC, NHM4. The relationship of GCC and RNFL against spherical equivalents (SE) and axial length (AL) was studied.
Results  107 eyes (from 107 subjects) were included, among with 17 low myopia ( -3.0D), 31 moderate myopia (-3.00D to -6.00D), 43 high myopia(-6.00D to -10.00D) and 16 super high myopia (-10.00D). The average, superior and inferior macular GCC thickness was significantly associated with both SE (r=0.42, P<0.001; r=0.349, P<0.001; r=0.451 P<0.001) and AL (r=-0.28, P=0.04; r=-0.203, p=0.036; r=-0.33, p=0.001). Peripapillary RNFL thickness from the superior, inferior and temporal quadrant was associated with both SE (all P<0.01), AL (all P< 0.05) and GCC thickness ( all P <0.001), except the nasal part. But if RNFL thickness was studied by sections, then some part from the upper and lower temporal part show no correlation with SE, AL or GCC thickness (all P< 0.05).
Conclusions The thickness of GCC and most of the peripapillary RNFL were correlated with refraction and AL, so while using these in the clinic caution must be pay to the refractive state of the patient.
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