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作者:王静 肖瑛…  文章来源:山东大学第二医院  点击数2703  更新时间:2006/2/8 18:18:13  文章录入:王静  责任编辑:毛进
[摘要] 目的 通过对人眼后玻璃体基底部玻璃体视网膜粘连区域的显示, 评价基底部玻璃体视网膜粘连的形态学特征,揭示其在基底部视网膜撕裂和玻璃体后脱离发生中的作用。 方法 对55对(110只)眼库眼球,用机械分离的方法,将玻璃体皮质与视网膜分离至周边部玻璃体视网膜粘连处, 吲哚美辛(Indocyanine green, ICG)) 染色标记其后界缘,电视照相机拍照显示后玻璃体基底部的形态学特征。 结果 完全性玻璃体后脱离(cPVD)止于玻璃体基底部后界缘,鼻侧宽于颞侧;局部有玻璃体视网膜粘连和视网膜撕裂。 结论 完全性玻璃体后脱离的形成,影响玻璃体基底部后界的形态;cPVD及局部玻璃体视网膜粘连,可造成基底部后界缘的视网膜撕裂。 [Abstract] Morphological characteristics in the vitreous base of human eyes Purpose To evaluate the morphologic characters of the posterior vitreous base in human eyes and to clarify the nature of the postoral vitreoretinal adhesion in posterior vitreous detachment and retinal tears. Methods The posterior limit of the vitreous base was delineated by tractional separation of the post-basal vitreous cortex in 55 pairs of eyebank eyes, and the area of residual adhesion photographed by television camera. Results Complete posterior vitreous detachment (cPVD) stopped at the posterior border of vitreous base wider on the nasal side than the temporal side. Local vitreoretinal adhesion and retinal tears were revealed. Conclusions The posterior borderline of vitreous base was limited by cPVD. Local vitreoretinal adhesion and cPVD contributed to the development of juxtabasal retinal tears. Email: jingw62@yahoo.com.cn Tel: 13370518059
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