圆锥角膜手术治疗中角膜规则程度的动态变化 |
作者:刘毅, Be… 文章来源:北京同仁医院眼科中心 点击数1869 更新时间:2006/4/23 15:55:29 文章录入:liulijiang 责任编辑:毛进 |
目的:分析圆锥角膜(KC)手术前后角膜规则程度的变化, 对穿透性角膜移植手术(PK)在KC治疗中的意义进行评价。
病例和方法:回顾分析了236例使用激光环钻和16针双线连续缝合的圆锥角膜手术,使用角膜曲率计(Ophthalmometer, Type-H, 190071 Zeiss, Jena, Germany)对手术前后的角膜规则程度进行检测, 并结合所测出的角膜曲率(K)值和角膜映光图形分组:(1)规则组,K<50D;(2)轻度不规则组,K<60;(3)中度不规则组,K>60;(4)重度不规则组,K值不能读出,共4组。手术后12个月、18个月分别拆除连续缝线,并同时随访记录各组别角膜规则程度,分析以上三个时间点角膜规则程度的动态变化趋势。
Purpose: To analyze the corneal regularity of pre- and post-surgery in keratocunus and the effect of suture removal on corneal regularity.
Patients and Metholds: 236 patients were performed penetrating keratoplasty, in which laser trephination and 16 bites double-running suturing techniques were applied. Patients were assigned to four groups: (1)K<50D,regular mire; (2) K<60, mildly irregular mire; (3) K>60, moderately irregular mire; (4) severe irregular, immeasurable mire based on the keratometry value and mires measured with semi-quantitative Ophthalmometer(Type-H, 190071 Zeiss, Jena, Germany). The first and second suture was removed 12 and 18 months after surgery, while corneal regularity measurements were followed up and evaluated
Results: Upon the time point of measured, the proportion of each group showed alternative tendency as: group (1), 4%—37%—61%; group (2), 12%—51%—33%; group (3), 38%—10%—4%; group (4), 46%—2%—2%.
Conclusions: Penetrating keratoplasty with laser trephination and 16 bites double-running suturing techniques can improve the corneal regularity of keratoconus, suture removal can not lead to an increase of corneal irregularity.
Key Words: keratoconus, penetrating keratoplasty, corneal regularity, suture removal