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作者:   周鸿雁…  文章来源:吉林大学中联谊医院眼科  点击数1515  更新时间:2006/5/9 14:34:42  文章录入:xiaozhou  责任编辑:毛进
目的:探讨部分板层角膜移植术的手术疗效。 方法:对12例行部分板层角膜移植术的病人进行详尽的临床资料回顾分析。结果:本组病例排斥反应发生少,视力重建及散光纠正良好。结论:1.有张力的角膜植片可减少术后散光。2.选择性拆线可减少术后散光。3.角膜植片替代巩膜组织可有很好的组织相容性。 关键词:部分板层角膜移植术。 Clinical research of Partial Lamellar Keratoplasty Hongyan Zhou,Wensong Zhang,Shuyan Gu,Yuying Jiang Department of Ophthalmology,the China-Japan United Hospital,Changchun,130041,China Objective:To study the operation outcom of Partial Lamellar Keratoplasty. Method: Retrospective the clinical documents of Partial Lamellar Keratoplasty. Results:Graft rejection seldom occurred. We got bright visual reconstruction and astigama rectify . Conclutions:1.The tention cornea graft can reduce the astigama postoperation.2.The selection suture cutting can also reduce astigama.3.The cornea and sclera were well compatible.
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