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作者:刘曦  陈…  文章来源:浙江大学医学院附属第一医院眼科 310003  点击数1486  更新时间:2006/5/24 0:27:15  文章录入:刘曦  责任编辑:毛进
【摘要】目的 研究远视性弱视儿童的调节和隐斜状态和矫正镜片对其调节和隐斜的影响。方法 测定了30例远视性弱视儿童的调节幅度和裸眼及戴矫正镜片情况下看近的隐斜度,并与20名正视儿童进行对比。六个月后重复检查其调节和隐斜情况。并进行统计学分析。结果 弱视组调节幅度的平均值12.35±1.297D,正视组为12.50±1.236D, 二者的差异统计学上无显著性(t=0.324 p>0.05)。弱视组裸眼隐斜度的平均值为-1.367±4.767△,戴矫正镜片时隐斜度.的平均值为 -3.70±3.825△,正视组隐斜度平均值为-3.95±3.30△.统计学分析, 弱视组裸眼与戴矫正镜片时隐斜度的平均值的差异有高度显著性意义(t=3.675,p<0.01)弱视组裸眼与正视组隐斜度平均值之间的差异有高度显著性意义(t=4.714 p<0.01).而弱视组戴矫正镜片时隐斜度与正视组隐斜度平均值之间的差异无显著性意义(t=0.534 p>0.05)。六个月后,弱视组调节幅度平均值为12.34±1.273 D,与六个月前无显著性差异(t=0.376 p>0.05).隐斜度的平均值裸眼为-1.90±4.054△,戴矫正眼镜为-3.87±4.010△,统计学分析,六个月后,裸眼和戴矫正眼镜之间的差异有高度显著性(t=4.308 p<0.01),但与六个月前相应比较差异均无显著性.(裸眼T=1.859 p>0.05, 戴镜 t=1.526 p>0.05)。结论 远视性弱视儿童戴矫正眼镜对调节功能没有明显影响,但可以使隐斜向外隐斜的方向偏移,有利于减少内隐斜。所以戴矫正眼镜不仅可以使视网膜成像清楚有利于弱视治疗,而且可以减少看近的内隐斜。 关键词 弱视 远视 调节 隐斜 眼镜 【Abstract】 Objective To study the amplitude of accommodation, heterophoria and the effect of corrective lens on it in amblyopic children with hyperopia . Methods The amplitude of accommodation and the amount of heterophoria on near (33cm) fixation were respectively determined without and with correcting spectacles in 30 amblyopic children with hyperopia and 20 emmetropic children. Results The mean value of the amplitude of accommodation are respectively 12.35±1.297D and 12.50±1.236D in the amblyopic group and the emmetropic group. Statistically the difference is not significant(t=0.324 p>0.05). The heterophoria without and with correction was respectively –1.367±4.767△ and -3.70±3.825△ in amblyopic group, and that in emmetropic group was –3.95±3.30△. Statistically the differences of the means of heterophria between with and without correction in amblyopic group was significant (t=3.675 p<0.01 ), the differences of the means of heterophria between without correction in amblyopic group and in emmetropic group was significant (t=4.714 p<0.01), the differences of the means of heterophoria between with correction in amblyopic group and in emmetropic group was not significant (t=0.534 p>0,05).After 6 monthes the mean value of the amplitude of accommodation are 12.34±1.273D, statistically the difference of the means of the amplitude of accommodation between before and after 6 monthes is not significant(t=0.376 p>0.05). The heterophoria without and with correction are respectively –1.90±4.054△ and -3.87±4.010△ in amblyopic group. Statistically the differences of the means of heterophria between with and without correction in amblyopic group after 6 monthes was significant (t=4.308 p<0.01 ), the corresponding differences of the means of the heterophoria between after and before 6 monthes are not significant (t=1.859 p>0.05 without correction, t=1.526 p>0,05 with correction). Conclusion The correcting spectacles should be worn. It may decrease the amount of esophoria. The image in the retina will be clear with correction , it will be beneficial to the treatment of amblyopia .
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