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弱视治疗新模式探讨 —— 在幼儿园快乐治疗弱视
作者:姜宁,牛…  文章来源:北京大学人民医院眼科,100044  点击数1571  更新时间:2006/6/3 0:56:22  文章录入:mystationa  责任编辑:毛进
目的:在幼儿园进行弱视治疗,探讨这种新模式对改善儿童弱视治疗的依从性和提高治疗效果的作用。 方法:将24名弱视患儿收入“亮博士视力训练试验班”。儿童眼科医生负责培训幼教老师、制定个性化治疗方案、定期到幼儿园“查房”以及治愈后随诊。幼教老师指导、监督整个治疗过程,实行全日制寄宿管理,每天记录弱视治疗手册,包括每天戴镜时间、遮盖时间、训练方法、训练时间以及每周检查视力的结果等。按弱视程度分为轻度、中度、重度三组,分析各组视力增长、儿童依从性等情况。 结果:全部弱视儿童对各种治疗方法都能够顺利接受。轻、中、重度组平均每月视力增长1.58、1.31和1.37行(LogMAR视力)。中度组与PEDIG公布的相应样本结果比较,差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。 Objectives: To found a new therapy model for amblyopia --“Smart Eye Group” in a kindergarten, and to investigate the effects of the model in promoting and enhancing the therapeutic compliance and outcomes. Methods: 24 amblyopic children were admitted in the group successively. Pediatric ophthalmologists trained the kindergarteners who took care of the children, and have to make an individual plan for every child based on each condition. Ophthalmologists also did examinations in the kindergarten every two weeks and follow-ups in the clinic. The group is managed in boarding way. The kindergarteners helped and supervised the children to get through the whole treatment, and recorded the therapeutic matter everyday on a notebook respective for each child, including the duration of glasses, patches wearing, what and how the near activities are taking on, and the visual acuity of each week. According to the extent of amblyopia, the data are separated in three groups -- light, moderate and severe. The improvement of the visual acuity and the compliance in each group are analyzed. Results: All the children go through the treatment smoothly and successfully. The improving lines of LogMAR visual acuity in every group are 1.58, 1.31 and 1.37 lines respectively. Comparing with the relevant sample of PEDIG, the result of moderate group has significant difference (P<0.01).
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