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作者:马 利 波… 文章来源:沈阳市爱尔眼科医院 110003 点击数:1111 更新时间:2006/7/6 15:36:13
[摘要] 目的 评价外路手术治疗复杂孔源性视网膜脱离的远期疗效,并对影响疗效的相关因素进行分析。方法 对29例通过外路手术治愈的复杂孔源性视网膜脱离随访资料完整的病例进行回顾性研究,其中黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离3眼,巨大裂孔性视网膜脱离2眼,人工晶体眼视网膜脱离1眼,屈光间质混浊性视网膜脱离6眼,多发裂孔性视网膜脱离6眼,裂孔不明性视网膜脱离3眼,伴有PVR C1级以上的视网膜脱离5眼,复发性视网膜脱离2眼,后极裂孔性视网膜脱离1眼。结果 28眼一次手术成功,视功能接近预期效果。结论 正确的诊断,个性化的手术设计,精确的手术操做,合理的眼内填充是手术成攻的关键,会明显提高复杂孔源性视网膜脱离病例的外路手术成功率。 [关键词] 视网膜脱离;外路手术 Ab Extra Operation Treating Complicated Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Ma Li-Bo, Zhang Zhi, Lu Di,Zhou Ming-Bo, Shenyang Aier Eye Hospital Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the long term efficacy of ab extra operation treating complicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, and analyze the affecting factors. Methods: Retrospective study of 29 cases of ab extra operation of complicated retinal detachment. Among these cases, there are 3 macular hole, 2 giant retinal tear, 1 pseudophakic, 6 refractive media turbidity, 6 multiple holes, 3 unfound hole, 5 PVR C1 or above, 2 recurrent and 1 hole at posterior pole. Results: Success by one operation achieved in 26 eyes. The visual outcome approached the expectation. Conclusions: The key for a successful operation lies in correct diagnosis, customized preoperative design, delicate surgery and appropriate intraocular tamponade, which can greatly increase the success rate of ab extra operation in complicated rhegmetogenous retinal detachment. Key words: Retinal Detachment, Ab Extra Operation
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