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Micro incision soft-nucleus cataract extraction without phacoemulsification machine ﹕ I/A chopping method         
Micro incision soft-nucleus cataract extraction without phacoemulsification machine ﹕ I/A chopping method
作者:Wenbin L… 文章来源:Department of Ophthalmology,Anhui provincial hospital affiliated to Anhui medical university, Lujiang Rd 4#,Hefei, P.R.China 点击数:2930 更新时间:2006/7/10 0:19:19
PURPOSE﹕To develope a new technique for soft-nucleus cataract extraction by micro incision without phacoemulsification machine. METHODS﹕ After making a about 5.5mm capsulorhexis , Hydro-dissection and hydro-delineation were performed until the soft nucleus and parts of cortex of cataract model porcine eye were prolapsed out of the capsule. Then an irrigation chopper which was shaped from a 22-gauge needle and an aspiration chopper which was fashioned from a 23 Gauge needle were used to chop, dislodge, hydrate, and loosen the soft nucleus and the sticky cortex into small pieces and meanwhile aspirate them out by an assistant using a 50cc syringe. Once all the cortex were removed, an IOL was implanted into capsule bag. RESULTS﹕20 postmortem porcine eyes were successfully performed in this way with the result of clear cornea, fine capsular bag remained without any rupture, IOL in good position and corneal incision sealed well after slight stromal-hydration. CONCLUSION﹕ This technique enables successful soft-nucleus cataract extraction without phacoemulsification equipment and other special instruments. This method is very easy and practical for congenital cataract ,premature senile cataract, and clear lens extraction particularly in less developed and developing countries which can not afford to expensive equipment.
会议投稿录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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