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Analysis of Accuracy of the Schwind Total and Corneal Wavefront Analyzer:The base for successful ORK-CAM Treatments         
Analysis of Accuracy of the Schwind Total and Corneal Wavefront Analyzer:The base for successful ORK-CAM Treatments
作者:G.U. Auf… 文章来源:Dept. of Ophthalmology University of Heidelberg INF 400 69120 Heidelberg 点击数:1306 更新时间:2007/6/4 23:10:19
Purpose: To investigate and compare corneal and total optical wavefront errors and calculate internal wavefront errors of the eye. Methods: We measured corneal as well as total wavefront errors with the Optikon Keratron Scout corneal topographer and the Schwind ORK-wavefront analyzer (Hartman-Shack) in 58 healthy volunteers (115 eyes). Acquired data was transferred and calculated with the ORK software. Reliability of the measurement devices as well as a comparison of total versus corneal wavefront errors and calculation of internal aberrations was performed for a 6 mm pupil diameter. Results: Mean refraction of all eyes measured was at -0.77 D +/- 1.56 D. The reliability for both devices was for all aberrations measured very well with a mean standard deviation of less than 0.1 µm for all different aberrations. The analysis of corneal and total optical system aberrations revealed much higher degrees of Coma and spherical aberrations in the cornea with some lenticular compensation. Trefoil was almost not present in the internal optical system. Conclusions: The corneal topography measured with the Optikon Keratron Scout in combination with the ORK software allows the analysis of corneal wavefront errors only and can be a helpful tool in refractive surgery. A comparison with the aberrations of the total optical system and calculation of internal aberrations is advisable in corneal and IOL refractive surgery.
会议投稿录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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