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The Handan Eye Study ( HES) ---Design, Methods, for the Baseline study         
The Handan Eye Study ( HES) ---Design, Methods, for the Baseline study
作者:Ningli W… 文章来源:Beijing Tongren Hospital 100730 点击数:3155 更新时间:2007/6/7 10:26:26
Purpose: Although there are nearly 1.2 billion Han people living in mainland of China, the burden and risk factors of blinding eye diseases in this population are rarely known, especially on Chinese farmer adults. This article summarizes the rationale and study design of a population-based study of eye diseases among farmer adults in central region of China. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study of farmer people aged 30 years and over in Yongnian County, which is located in central region of China. 90 percent of the poplution are farmers. The sampling frame consists of all the people aged 30 and over in Yongnian County. From a list of names provided by police station of Yongnian County, a landform-stratified, clustered, randomized with method of probability proportional to size (PPS) was used to select 13 villages from the county( 11 from plain and two from hill).The target sample size for aged 50 years and over is 5695 persons. Another 2066 persons who aged from 30 to 49 years lived in 4 of 13 selected villages are recruited as well. These persons are invited to participate via an invitation letter and assisted by local government and village health workers. Participants are examined at a centralized clinic location temporally set-up in Yongnian County Hospital. A bus will be provided to fetch them and send them back. All participants undergo a standardized interview and assessment of blood pressure, height, weight, hip-waist circumference, presenting and best-corrected visual acuity, auto-and subjective refraction, ocular biometry using the slit-lamp mounted A scan, anterior chamber-OCT, Perkins portable applanation tonometry, posterior-OCT, Heidelberg Retina Tomography and digital photography. Blood samples are collected for biochemical analyses (serum lipids, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and C reactive protein) and processed and stored for future genetic and molecular epidemiological studies). Selected participants also have a gonioscopy, visual field test, GDx. Doppler ultrasound will be used to measure the ankle-brachial and toe-brachial index. Those who can not come to centralized clinic center will obtain a simplified procedure of examination which includes presenting VA and BCVA, subjective refraction, IOP assessment, slit-lamp examination, retina photos and simple interview in the village clinic. This study is going to be conducted from 2006 Oct to 2007 July. Conclusion: this study will provide a profile on the prevalence of and risk factors for age-related eye diseases in Han people of China, especially for farmers in central region of China. The information may have broad public health implications for the purposes of understanding the burden, risk factors and etiology of eye diseases, and for health resource planning and allocation for Chinese people.
会议投稿录入:yuanboliang    责任编辑:毛进 
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