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NgR RNA interference combined with intravitreal macrophage activation enhances opticnerve regeneration         
NgR RNA interference combined with intravitreal macrophage activation enhances opticnerve regeneration
作者:Chunlin … 文章来源:第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所眼科, 重庆 400042) 点击数:1229 更新时间:2007/6/20 10:02:09
Purpose. To determine whether the regeneration ability of optic nerve can be elevated after Nogo receptor(NgR) RNA interference provided that the retinal ganglion cells have a robust growth state. Methods. Recombinant adeno-associated virus-2(rAAV-2) carried the short hairpin RNA(shRNA) for NgR was constructed to knockdown the NgR in retinal ganglion cells, zymosan was used to activate the retinal ganglion cells. Combined the rAAV-2 and zymosan were intravitreally injected into rat eyes with optic nerve crushed, western blot analysis of NgR and growth-associated protein 43(GAP-43) were performed on rat retinal tissue at different time points in different groups with or without retinal ganglion cells activation, and the immunohistochemical study was performed to detect the GAP-43 expression. Results. The rAAV-2 carried the shRNA for NgR efficiently inhibited NgR expression compared with the control virus after injected intravitreally. The GAP-43 level were low in phosphate buffered saline(PBS) and control treated groups, but high in NgR inhibited or zymosan treated group, especially when the both combined. The regenerated axons could grow longer and extend further in NgR inhibition plus zymosan application group.
会议投稿录入:aya610    责任编辑:毛进 
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