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作者:吴小影 文章来源:湖南长沙:中南大学湘雅医院眼科 邮编410008 点击数:1552 更新时间:2004/6/12
目的:探讨影响近视眼角膜屈光力的相关因素。方法:分别测量227例(452眼)近视及近视散光患者角膜地形图、角膜中央厚度、眼压、A超及屈光度,将所得结果进行统计学分析。结果:①不同程度屈光度,角膜顶点屈光力低度近视组与中、高、重度近视组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),角膜中央3mm屈光力,低、中度近视组与重度近视组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),角膜中央5mm屈光力低度近视眼组与重度近视组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01),角膜中央7mm屈光力各组之间比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。 ②角膜中央3mm、5mm、7mm的屈光力与年龄、前房深度呈正相关(年龄:r分别为:0.398, 0.387, 0.342, P=0.000;前房深度:r分别为:0.277, 0.310, 0.288, P=0.000)。 ③角膜中央3mm、5mm、7mm的屈光力均与等效球镜屈光度、眼轴、晶体厚度呈负相关(等效球镜屈光度:r分别为―0.80, ―0.782, ―0.710, P=0.000; 眼轴:r分别为:―0.670, ―0.668, ―0.598, P=0.000;晶体厚度r分别为―0.318, ―0.282, ―0.232, P值分别为0.000, 0.000, 0.001)。 ④将角膜不同区域屈光力为应变量,分别建立多元线性回归方程:Y3=77.571―1.432X1―0.554X2+0.964X3+0.067X4―1.205 X5; (F= 101.356, P=0.000) 作者单位(410008) 中国长沙市中南大学湘雅医院眼科激光中心 Y5=76.538―1.424X1―0.538X2+1.063X3+0.067X4―1.122X5; (F= 92.395, P=0.000) Y7=72.563―1.308X1―0.462X2+1.078X3+0.062X4―0.926X5; (F= 67.398, P=0.000) (其中Y3、Y5、Y7)分别为角膜中央3mm、5mm、7mm的屈光力,X1、X2、X3、X4、X5分别为眼轴长度、等效球镜度数、前房深度、年龄及晶体厚度。 结论:影响近视眼角膜屈光力的主要因素是眼轴、眼球屈光度、前房深度、年龄及晶体厚度。 [关键词]:近视;角膜;屈光力 Mutiple Factors analysis of conenl refractive power in myopia Wu Xiaoying, Liu Shuang-zhen, Hu Sheng-fa, et al. Ophthalmic laser center, XiangYa Hospital, central South University, Changsha 410008, China. [Abstract] Aim to investigate the factors correlated to coneal refractive power in patients with myopia. Methods: Corneal topography, Central coneal thickness(CCT), intraocular pressure (IOP), A scan ultrasonogra- phy and retinophotoscopy were performed on eyes of cases of mypopia or myopia astigmatism, and the relationships amony the parameter were anal -yzed statically. Results: ①There were the statistical differences between mild myopia group and moderate, hight of 3mm zone, there were the statistical difference between mild, moderate myopia group and heavy myopia group(P<0.05). In the diopter of 5 mm zone, there were the statistical difference between mild myopia group and heavy myopia group (P<0.01). ②A positive correlation was build up between the diopter of 3mm, 5mm, 7mm zone and age(r=0.398, 0.387, 0.342, P<0.001), anterior chamber depth(r=0.277, 0.31, 0.288, P<0.001), and a negative correlation to ocular dipter(r=-0.780, -0.782, -0.71, P<0.001), the length of ocular axis (r=-0.670, -0.668, -0.598, P<0.001) thickness of lens (r=-0.318, -0.282, -0.232, P<0.001). ③The regression equation for the diopter of 3mm(Y3), 5mm(Y5), 7mm(Y7) zone was figured out as Y3=77.571-1.432X1-0.054X2+0.964X3+ 0.067X4 -1.205X5 (F=101.356, P=0.000); Y5=76.538―1.424X1―0.538X2+1.063X3+0.067X4―1.122X5(F= 92.395, P=0.000);Y7=72.563―1.308X1―0.462X2+1.078X3+0.062X4―0.926X5 (F= 67.398, P=0.000). X1=length of ocular axis(mm), X2=Ocular diopter (D), X3=anterior chamber depth(mm), X4=age(year), X5=thickness of lens(mm). Conclusion: The main influence factors of cornear refractive power were the length of ocular axis, Ocular diopter, anterior chamber depth, age and thickness of lens. [Key words] Myopia; Cornea; Refractive power
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