屈光不正和屈光参差性弱视患儿立体视形成相关因素的探讨 |
作者: 马萍萍 … 文章来源:中国医科大学附属第一医院眼科 110001 点击数:1792 更新时间:2004/6/14
方法:选取弱视不伴斜视和其他眼病的患儿135例,其中屈光不正性弱视106 例、屈光参差性弱视29 例。采用国际标准视力表检查视力。根据国际标准视力表上视力的一行为分组间距对双眼视力差异和视力(最差眼最佳矫正视力)进行分组。选取无屈光不正(双眼球镜和柱镜值均≤±0.25D,且双眼视力均大于0.8)和无其他眼病的正常儿童29例作为对照组。采用国际标准视力表检测视力并散瞳检影、电脑验光,矫正视力及待瞳孔恢复后分别采用综合验光仪和颜氏《立体视觉检查图》进行定性、定量立体视检查。评价双眼视力差异和视力与立体视形成之间的关系。
结果:①视力差异各组立体视具有显著性差异,χ2 =54.975(P<0.01)。双眼视力相差<2行组与双眼视力相差≥2行组比较立体视差异具有显著性,χ2 =30.951(P<0.01)。双眼视力差≥3行组无中心窝立体视,双眼视力差≥4行组均无立体视形成。②不同视力组间立体视具有显著性差异,χ2 =65.155(P<0.01)。视力>0.6组与视力≤0.6组比较立体视差异有显著性,χ2 =61.006(P<0.01)。视力≤0.6组无中心窝立体视。③视力治愈组44例(100%)全部获得不同锐度立体视,但与正常对照组比较立体视差异有显著性,立体视的形成并未完善,χ2 =8.617 (P<0.01)。
The discussion of correlative factors of
stereopsis’ forming in ametropic and anisometropic amblyopia children patients
Objective:To discuss the correlative factors of stereopsis’ forming in amblyopia children patients.
Methods: 135 cases of amblyopia chidren patients aged from 4 to 14 years were studied, including 106 ametropic amblyopia patients and 29 anisometropic amblyopia patients. 29 normal children were choosed as controlled group.The patients’vision were corrected to the best vision. Phoropter and Yan’s random-dot stereograms were used to examine stereopsis and stereoacuity in amblyopia children patients.
Results: The stereoacuity differences showed statistical significance between groups of visual acuity differences (VAD) between two eyes(P<0.01). And the stereoacuity differences showed statistical significance between groups of visual acuity(VA)(P<0.01).The difference was significant in stereoacuity between groups of VAD ≥2 lines and <2 lines(P<0.01).The amblyopia children with VAD ≥3 lines have no central fossa stereopsis, and VAD≥4 lines have no stereopsis. The difference was significant in stereoacuity between groups of VA >0.6 and VA≤0.6(P<0.01). The amblyopia children with VA ≤0.6 had no central fossa stereoacuity. Not all the children whose VA were cured to be normal have perfect stereoacuity(P<0.01).
Conclusion: VAD between two eyes and VA had closely relationships to stereoacuity. VA difference ≥2 lines or VA ≤0.6 had obvious effects on stereoacuity. The stereoacuity are not sure to be perfect when the amblyopia children’s VA are normal. Low vision, especially unbalances between two eyes vision have effects on stereopsis.
[Key words] amblyopia; visual acuity difference; visual acuity; stereopsis |
会议投稿录入:毛进 责任编辑:毛进 |
上一篇会议投稿: 角膜地形图在圆锥角膜病早期诊断中的临床应用 下一篇会议投稿: 张力性调节与眼屈光因子关系的探讨 |
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