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Experimental studies on expression of N-methy-D-aspartate recepor-1-subunit in the visual cortex area 17 on MS and MD kittens within crucial period           ★★★
Experimental studies on expression of N-methy-D-aspartate recepor-1-subunit in the visual cortex area 17 on MS and MD kittens within crucial period
作者:邵立功 文章来源:中国优生优育协会眼病防治技术专业委员会 点击数:297 更新时间:2012/9/13

Objective  The experimental goals investigate and discuss  the plasticity changes of regularity of expression of  N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-1-subunit (NMDAR1) in the visual system of  N, MS and MD kittens within crucial period to understand mechanism and seek out effective methods for preventing and treating strabismic and deprived amblyopia during development period. The studies will offer reference basis so as to prevent and treat amblyopia of strabismus and deprivation among children. 
Methods The kittens during crucial period ( at age of 2-4wK ) were operated to make the models of monocular strabismus (MS) and monocular deprivation (MD) by section of the lateral retus muscle of one eye for esotropia and lid sutured for MD. Before operation, the animals were divided randomizely into 3 groups: Normal (N), MS and MD. After those animals were fed for sixteen weeks under the same condition of visual environment. N, MS and MD kittens during crucial period were examined with 6-Cannels-Pattern Visual Evoked Potential(6CPVEP), and then, visual cortex area 17 of N, MS and MD animal models were investigated with monoclone antibodies for NMDAR1subunit which were used to label the neurons of visual cortex area 17 by way of immunocytochemical Streptavidin Biotin-peroxidae Complex (SABC) method. Results were accounted by photo of reading glass from microscope and  Computer Image Analysis.
Results showed that NMDAR1subunit protein and immnuopositive neurons in the visual cortex area 17 can be seen to present at brown drab colour in the cellular cytoplasm and axodendritic synapses, but the nuclei of neurons is understained or empty. The immunopositive neurons possess characteristcs of synaptic morphology and distribute over 2/3,4,5 and 6 of visual cortex area 17. There are a lot of expressive productions of NMDAR1mRNA in the pyramidal cells and astrocytes, The statistic results of t-test showed that N/MS and N/MD have a significant differernce (P<0.05, P<0.01)in integral optic density (IOD) and (P<0.05, P<0.01) in Numberal Density.
NMDAR1 in the layer 4 of visual cortex area 17 on MS1and MD1 kittens are weaker in activity and fewer in number than that of N. Immuno-positive neurons of NMDAR1 are based on a typical synanptic morphology. Changes in the number and activity of NMDAR1 proten of the neurons in the visual cortex area 17 on MS and MD kittens may follow the principle of elimination between double eyes' competition and NMDAR1 is the most important receptor of transmiting pathway in the visual system.

会议投稿录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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