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Study of the expression and clinical significance of NF-KappaB/P50 in Pterygium           ★★★
Study of the expression and clinical significance of NF-KappaB/P50 in Pterygium
作者:蔡小军 文章来源:武汉大学中南医院 点击数:436 更新时间:2012/9/13

Objective  To investigate the NF-KappaB/p50 protein and mRNA expression in pterygium, and to evaluate their clinical significance.
Method (1). Using immunohistochemical SP method, 40 pteryrium tissues and 10 normal conjuctival tissues were analyzed for expressions of NF-KappaB/p50 protein and mRNA and the clinicopathological parameters were determined. (2). From other groups of 10 freshly collected pteryrium tissues and 10 fresh conjuctival tissues, mRNA was extracted, then processed through RT-PCR amplification, and subjected to fluorescent quantitation to determine the degree of NF-KappaB/p50 expression in the pterygium tissue group and the control group.
Results (1). Immunohistochemical results: The 10 conjuctival tissues were negative for NF-KappaB/p50 expression. Of the 40 pterygium samples, 32 showed medium~high positive expression, yielding in an 80% positive result, which when compared with normal conjuctival group showed statistical significance (p<0.05). The prevalence of TNF-KappaB/p50 protein expression in pterygium tissue, during resting phase, progressive phase and recurrence of the pathology was 66.67%93.33%100% ,respectively, whereby the resting phase, progressive phase and recurrence of pterygium had high significance. The expression of NF-KappaB/p50 among patients with outdoor occupations was high than those patients working indoor, hence another significance. No significant trends were seen in different age groups or sex. (2). q-PCR results: the expression of NF-KappaB/p50 inpterygium group was significantly high when compared with the normal conjunctival tissue group.
Conclusions The degree of expression of NF-KappaB/p50 and rRNA is related to clinical stage of the disease, recurrence and occupation, but no distinct difference was found with clinical parameters such as sex and age. The activation of NF-KappaB/P50 protein and its high expression may directly promote the occurrence of pterygium.

会议投稿录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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