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Henderson's Orbital TumorsCHM格式版
运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 文件大小: 57867 K
软件等级: ★★★ 软件类别: 医学软件
开 发 商: James A … 软件语言: 简体中文
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授权方式: 免费版
软件添加: 审核:毛进 录入:毛进 添加时间: 2008-5-31 22:31:53
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Product Description
A complete update of a classic reference by specialists at the Mayo Clinic, Henderson's Orbital Tumors, Fourth Edition collates the Clinic's fifty years' experience in managing tumors involving the orbit. Drawing on case reports and extensive follow-up data from over 1,700 patients treated at the Clinic, the authors formulate comprehensive guidelines on diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of the entire spectrum of orbital tumors. This new edition reflects the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment, including improved imaging technology, more accurate pathologic diagnosis, new radiotherapy options, new surgical approaches, and therapy using monoclonal antibodies. More than 460 illustrations, 43 in full color, complement the text.

鼻内窥镜下的眼科相关手术 2004
爆裂性眶壁骨骨折整复术录像 无
眼眶病学 1999
《现代眼肿瘤眼眶病学》 2002
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