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Physiology of the EyeV2.0 光盘版
运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 文件大小: 391839 K
软件等级: ★★★ 软件类别: 医学软件
开 发 商: IKnow 软件语言: 英文
相关链接: 医学资源演示地址  医学资源注册地址 软件属性:         
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授权方式: 免费版
软件添加: 审核:毛进 录入:毛进 添加时间: 2008-5-31 22:44:52
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This extensive CD-ROM examines the Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Health and perception of the human visual system. Over thirty 3-D animations explain the inner workings of the eye & retina. Interactive diagrams identify major and minor eye parts. The basics of light, lenses & color perception are presented. Dozens of interactive illusions illustrate color, perspective, contrast and more, and explain the science behind the illusions. Common eye conditions, health issues, vision tests & eye development round out this CD. Features: - 8 interactive diagrams identify and define the components of the human visual system. Includes exterior views, cross-sectional views of the eye and retinal layers, neural pathways to the brain, and more. - A 3-D, animated tour the eye. More than a dozen narrated movies move you through the eye, and explain how the various parts of the eye work together to produce vision. User-controlled panoramas let you explore the inside of an animated eye! - A timeline of visual development begins with the embryonic formation of the eyes and chronicles changes and growth in infancy, childhood, and adulthood. - The "Physics of Vision" module presents the basic principles of light, lenses, refraction, color theory and color perception. - Common eye conditions and diseases are explained in detail with full-color graphics and animations. The following eye conditions are examined in detail on the CD-ROM: Cataract, Diabetic Retinopathy, Dry Eye, Floaters, Glaucoma, Macular Dengeneration, Eye Safety, Astigmatism, Hyperopia, Myopia, Presbyopia, Contact Lenses, Eyeglasses, Refractive surgery, L.A.S.I.K., P.R.K., R.K., A.K., Intacs. - Dozens of interactive illusions demonstrate how color, perspective, contrast, and geometry can be used to fool the eyes and brain. - Vision tests let you learn about your own eyesight.

* Over 50 minutes of narrated animation.
* 3+ hours of interactive content, graphics & text.
* Examines the human visual system from 6 perspectives.
* Eye anatomy: 8 interactive diagrams of the eye and brain with definitions.
* A comprehensive resource for anyone who needs to understand how the eye works.


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