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Uveitis and Immunological DisordersPDF版
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Uveitis and Immunological Disorders (Essentials in Ophthalmology)

by Uwe Pleyer (Editor), C. Stephen Foster (Editor) "The traditional major risk factors for microbial corneal infection (microbial keratitis or MK) include trauma and preceding corneal compromise such as surgery (e.g., cataract extraction,..." (more)
Key Phrases: choroidal lymphoma, retinal lymphoma, atypical optic neuritis, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, Arch Ophthalmol, Arthritis Rheum (more...)

Editorial Reviews
Product Description

Uveitis and immune-mediated disorders encompass a wide spectrum of potentially blinding diseases that are seen in daily practice by many ophthalmologists. In recent years enormous progress has been made in understanding the principal mechanisms of inflammatory and immunological processes in ocular disorders. The purpose of this second Uveitis volume of the Essentials in Ophthalmology series is to provide the ophthalmologist with the most current understanding of the pathogenesis of the most frequent immune-mediated disorders of the eye and a practical approach to these diseases.

Uveitis and Immunological Disorders

Fills the gap between textbooks and original research publications

Focuses on clinical aspects of inflammatory eye diseases

Covers a broad spectrum, including diseases affecting the conjunctiva, sclera and cornea, as well as intraocular inflammation

Includes basic research aspects, such as immune mechanisms and genetics

Is quick and easy to read with highly structured core messages and summaries for the clinician

Covers different topics than the first volume.

This publication will serve not only as a valuable source of up-to-date information for ophthalmologists but will also be of interest to pediatricians, specialists in internal medicine and dermatologists confronted with inflammatory eye diseases.

Product Details

      Inside This Book (learn more)
      First Sentence:
      The traditional major risk factors for microbial corneal infection (microbial keratitis or MK) include trauma and preceding corneal compromise such as surgery (e.g., cataract extraction, penetrating keratoplasty, refractive surgery) or herpetic corneal dis Read the first page
      Key Phrases - Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs): (learn more)
      choroidal lymphoma, retinal lymphoma, atypical optic neuritis, corneal allograft rejection, segment intraocular inflammation, primary intraocular lymphoma, keratoplasty patients, uveitic patients, peripheral ulcerative keratitis, extraocular manifestations, uveitic eyes, tear quantity, stromal ulceration, ocular immune privilege, chorioretinal biopsy, ocular allergy, corneal allograft survival, herpes stromal keratitis, corneal graft rejection, perennial allergic conjunctivitis, toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, neuritis treatment trial, ocular toxoplasmosis, herpetic stromal keratitis, nonlymphoid malignancies
      Key Phrases - Capitalized Phrases (CAPs): (learn more)
      Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, Arch Ophthalmol, Arthritis Rheum, Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, Cataract Refract Surg, Surv Ophthalmol, Rose Bengal, Study Group, Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd, Ocul Immunol Inflamm, Curr Eye Res, Hum Immunol, Ann Rheum Dis, Clin Exp Allergy, Exp Med, United States, Ann Neurol, Clin Invest, Exp Eye Res, Mechanisms of Corneal Allograft Rejection, Optom Vis Sci, Proc Natl Acad Sci, Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-Targeted Therapies, Acta Ophthalmol Scand, Allergy Clin Immunol
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