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Blindness in Children         
Blindness in Children
作者:Akira Na… 文章来源:JuntendoU 2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyoku,Tokyo 113-8421 Japan. 点击数:4042 更新时间:2006/7/10 10:37:39
Prevention of avoidable childhood blindness is included in the VISION 2020 started by WHO and IAPB in1999. the setting up of system of pediatric ophthalmology service is basic for the successful prevention of preventable blindness in babies and children. National Center for Child Health, regional center for child health, and key hospitals will plan the flow of child care and training of ophthalmologists, pediatricians and OBGY doctors as well as pegnant mothers for early diagnosis of treatable eye diseases such as retinopathy of premturity, buphthalmos, squint, amblyopia, lacrimal duct stenosis, etc. for prevention of diseases, immunization in babies and children is essential. In addition, immunization of rubella in the mother is important in the prevention of congenital rubella syndrime. Prevention of measles is important to prevent possible corneal involvement caused by vitamin A deficiancy. Prvention of blindness by prematurity depends on the care of premature children at the centers and quick reference patients from the place of birth to the centers. Good care of pregnancy is essential.
会议投稿录入:aya610    责任编辑:毛进 
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