摘 要
研究认为细胞凋亡是细胞在各种死亡信号刺激后发生的一系列瀑布式激活的主动性细胞死亡过程,越来越多的实验证实天冬酰胺特异酶切的半胱氨酸蛋白酶(Caspases) 在细胞凋亡调节过程中起关键作用。在凋亡的执行阶段,Caspase-3酶原因其Asp-28-ser-29和Asp-175-ser-176两个酶切位点受切割被激活, 降解成分子质量为17ku和12ku 的两个活性亚单位。活化的Caspase-3特异地切割DNA,使参与DNA损伤修复过程的聚ADP核糖聚合酶,以及DNA依赖的蛋白激酶等失活,促使染色质浓缩和核酸酶激活,导致细胞凋亡.
50只一周龄豚鼠随机分为三组,第一组10只,第二组和第三组各20只,每只豚鼠均用半透明眼罩遮盖右眼,各组豚鼠室内分笼饲养,自由饮食,室内日光灯照明,每日照明与黑暗时间均为12小时,第一组实验动物不进行其它干预,饲养两周后麻醉下微量注射器分别向第二和第三组遮盖眼玻璃体内注射神经生长因子5μg(1μg/μl )和生理盐水5μl,隔日一次,共三次,每组豚鼠在形觉剥夺12周后由一验光经验丰富的医师在暗室内带状检影验光,散光按等效球镜计算,验光前一小时用脱品酰氨点眼散瞳4次。表面麻醉后做A型超声测量眼球前后径(自角膜顶点到玻璃体与视网膜交界处后极点距离,每眼测量5次,取平均值),麻醉致死后立即取出眼球,除去筋摸,固定,包埋,切片后做免疫组化检测视网膜中Caspase-3的表达,运用TUNEL技术检测视网膜凋亡细胞: 操作步骤均严格按说明书进行。
第二组试验动物的形觉剥夺眼屈光度为﹣9.25±0.5D,第三组试验动物的形觉剥夺眼屈光度为﹣9.4±0.68D,两组形觉剥夺眼屈光度相比没有显著差异;第二组试验动物的形觉剥夺眼视网膜细胞凋亡率为1.4±0.11(单位%),第三组试验动物的形觉剥夺眼视网膜细胞凋亡率为 2.9±0.13(单位%),两者相比差异有显著性;另外,我们发现Caspase-3(吸光光度值测定显示),吸光光度值与凋亡具有相关性.
神经生长因子 豚鼠 形觉剥夺 近视
To investigate the action of NGF to the retional cell,s apoptosis on the form deprivation in the guinea pig
Myopia is one ametropia and the morbidity is the highest in the world. The morbidity of myopia increases constantly and the age of onset is younger than before and it will have progress when it occurs.So it becomes a very serious public progrem in our global.The prevention and cure of myopia has been included one of the plan which to prevent the blindness by the world health organization(WHO)
Since the eraction of the model of the form deprivation myopia by Wiesel and Raviola in 1977 years. We have got a some congnition in myopia by this method.That,s the regulation of the sclera,s growth mainly by the partly retinal technique in the form deprivation and there are many neurotransmitters in the retina.The neurotransmitters could be changed by form deprivation and it is one factor to form the form deprivation myopia. The eraction of the model of the form deprivation myopia is a great progress in the studying of myopia. We have got a juiner congnition in myopia by this method. It provides a valuable information and thought for the theory studying omyopia.Pathological myopia is a common growing blind disease.The retinal photosensory cells become fewer when it occurs.Apoptosis may one reason to this changes.Cell apoptosis is a procedure cell death controled by genes to maintain the stabilization of the internal environment.Cell apoptosis and cell death is different.Cell apoptosis is not a passive course but an active course.It includes a serious of gene,s activation,expression and regulation. It is not a damage in the pathologcal condition,but an active death to adapt the change of the environment.
The researchs have proved that cell apoptosis is a course provocated by a serious of death informations and caspase is a key factor to the cell apoptosis which has been proved by more and more experiments.During the apoptosis stage,the enzyme of caspase-3,s targets: Asp-28-ser-29 and Asp-175-ser-176 have been actived after they have been dissected and change to two subunits: 17ku and 12ku and the DNA has been dissected specially by the actived caspase-3 and lead the poly-ADP ribose polymerase and DAN dependented protein kinase to deactive and the caryotin,s concentration,the nuclease,s activation result in the cell apoptosis.
Nerve growth factor (NGF)is a kind of protin extensive occurrence in many kinds of animal.It could not only maintain the survival of the sensory neuron and the growth of the neurofibr, but have a special function of increasing the arborization of the neurone and conservation the differentiated neurone in the individual development and raise the expression of the sensory neuron. So we have a thought that we could inject NGF into the form deprivation eyes, vitreous body during the time that the course of forming deprivation myopia in the guinea pigs to find the function of NGF on the course of forming deprivation myopia in the guinea pigs.Thereby to provid a new method on the prevention and cure myopia.
50 neonatal genipa pigs of one week old were divided randamly into group A ,B and C and were monocularly deprived(MD)of pattern visual by transpartant eye shield of right eye .Each group genipa pigs were raised in different cages and the bait and water were no confined to them.The lighting came from the daylight lamp and the lighting and the darkness were both 12 hours.In group A(n=10)no drug was used ,while guinea pigs in group B(n=20)and C(n=20)were received a series of introvitreal injection of NGF5μg(1μg/μl ) and salin vehicle5μl with MD after two weeks when they were anesthetized. Once two days and total three times. The guinea pigs diopter were measured by a practised optometrist after full mydriasis by semitransparent eye-lids. when the guinea pigs were raising after 12 weeks,meanwhile the axle length(the length from the topic of the cornea to posteria pole of the boundary of the viyreous and the retina.The mean of 5 measurements was the result) wer measured byA ultrasonic when the guinea pigs were received a surface anesthesia.The eye ball were extracted and immobilizated and embeded and sliced and undertake immunhistochemistry strickly by the instruction to examine the expression of Caspase-3 and we used the TUNEL technique to find the cell apoptosis in the retina.
A reletivity myopia was received on the form deprivative eyes contrast with the other eyes in each group.The axle length of the form deprivative eyes was extended in each group. The axle length in group A was the longest ,the mean was 12.02±0.16㎜;On the contrary, the axle length in group B was the shortest, the mean was 11.84±0.17㎜. The axle length showed a significient difference on the form deprivatived eyes and the other eyes in each group.The mean axle length in group C was 11.86±0.11㎜.there was no significient difference on the form deprivatived eyes in group B and group C. The form deprivative eyes, diopter in group B is ﹣9.25±0.5D and in group C is ﹣9.4±0.68D and there was no significient difference in group B and group C while the apoptosis rate of the retina in group B was 1.4±0.11(单位%)and in group C was 2.9±0.13(单位%)and the apoptosis rate showed a significient difference in group B and group C.
The guinea pigs eyes can became myopia by monocularly deprived(MD);The expression of Caspase-3 is related to the apoptosis of the retinal cells; The retional cell apoptosis could be find in the form deprivation myopia eyes and NGF can partly block these changes.
The key words
Nerve growth factor guinea pig myopia form deprivation